Friday, October 19, 2007

A Moving Lesson in Judgements

I'm in Cleveland right now, speaking at four events co-sponsored by the Christian Community's Faith Matters project. Last night, I spoke to parents from local churches. This morning, I spoke at a clergy breakfast, and in a bit, I will speak to a group of sexual and reproductive health professionals on how to reach out to faith communities. I'll write more about insights from this trip next week.

For today and the weekend, I;ve decided to post this clip of a man singing in a contest. I almost never forward these type of things when I get them on my email, but I want to invite you to click and spend four minutes watching and listening.


What does this have to do with sexuality and religion? Everything, I think. Watch the faces of the judges and the audience pre-judge this man based on what he looks like and where he works. Think about how perhaps you have judged others. Open your heart to what happens as he begins to sing. Let the tears come. Watch what happens when people respond to his dignity and self worth.

It's a four minute sermon on love your neighbor. Really, take the time and click here. And invite your friends to watch too. Let me know what you think.

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