Saturday, December 15, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jane!

I have written here before how ministry has taken me to places that I never could have imagined...

Well, this was certainly one of them. On Thursday night, I had the honor of being asked by Jane Fonda to offer the invocation at her 70th birthday party gala. The gala was to benefit GCAPP, a Georgia based organization that works to prevent teenage pregnancy and support teen parents. Jane founded it seven years ago; on Thursday, the gala raised $2.4 million.

If you don't know all of the women in this picture, you surely know of them. (The women you may not recognize are Robin Morgan, Jane Wagner, Vanessa Vadim, and Eve Ensler...) I can hardly put into words how wonderful the whole evening was -- and how moved I was by the outpouring of love for this amazing woman, and her dedication and love to the young women and men of Atlanta. Because of her decision to turn her birthday into a fundraiser, 70 8th graders will now be shepherded through a 7 year program and guarenteed a college education when they finish high school. It's a replication of a program developed by one of my early teachers, Dr. Michael Carerra and I encourage you to read about it.

How amazing to offer Jane a blessing for her birthday and the grace before the meal. I ended by reminding the guests that the only prayer we ever need is "thank you, thank you, thank you" and asked them "to lift our hearts together in thanks for love and friendship and the light that fills our souls and lives."

I felt deeply grateful and blessed to be part of it all.

1 comment:

Lilylou said...

Wow, Debra, that is so incredible! I have always liked Jane Fonda, feeling she was far ahead of others in her outlook, even when that got her in trouble with the establishment.

As a cast member this February in our local Vagina Monologues performance, I am also admiring of Eve Ensler.

Good going, woman!