Friday, November 14, 2008

My Typical Week

I'm interviewing candidates for a position as my special assistant at the Religious Institute, and they keep asking what a typical day or a typical week is like.

I tell them that one of the things I enjoy most about my ministry is that there is no such thing.

Here's some of what I've done this week:

Worked with my colleagues on finishing up a publication on our survey of how seminaries address sexuality issues.

Edited our November newsletter.

Spoke at a parents group in a neighboring town about my book, "What Every 21st Century Parent Needs to Know."

Concluded the last of the couples enrichment program I lead at my home congregation.

Spoke to 60 teenagers at a neighboring UCC church.

Prepared for a conference call on our Congo Sabbath Initiative with writer and activist Eve Ensler.

Provided assistance to a journalist covering the transition and a minister struggling with a policy about safe congregations.

Prepared my workshops and speech for Jewish Family Services in Milwaukee, Wisconsin next week.

It is all sacred work. I am grateful for the 150 adults and teens for allowing me to provide sexuality education to them this week and for their trust in me. I am grateful to my colleagues who share my ministry. I am grateful and humbled by this wonderful ministry I am called to do in the world. Blessings to you all.

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