Monday, January 12, 2009

More on "Sex and the Seminary"

The release of the "Sex and the Seminary" report at the Society for Christian Ethics and the Society for Jewish Ethics combined annual meeting was very well received. More than 50 ethicists, theologians, and seminary representatives attended the reception. It was covered by Religious News Service, NPR, the Chicago Tribune, the Christian Post, and more than 400 Internet news services. Interestingly, even the most conservative religious blogs supported the need to cover sexuality issues in seminary.

My favorite editorial was by theologian Mary Hunt over at Religious Dispatches.

Several denomination offices have requested copies of the reports and meetings for follow up. We'll be sending copies of the report, with a letter from Union Theological Seminary President Serene Jones and me, to every denomination and every ATS and Jewish seminary in the next few weeks. YOU can download the full report OR you can request a complementary hard copy by writing

On a list serv I'm on, one of the other subscribers wrote, "great report, but I fear it will be a long time before many of the mainline denominations are able to be that honest and realistic about issues of sexuality."

We're determined that this report will not just gather dust on shelves but act as a catalyst for change in seminaries to better prepare future clergy. Stay tuned.

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