Yesterday, at a Vatican sponsored conference, Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed that embryos are "sacred and inviolable" even before implementation in a woman's uterus. He set the stage for discussions against in vitro procedures, stem cell research, and emergency contraception, and for calls for embryo adoptions.
We all know that there are deep religious differences on the question of when life begins, and I can't object to the Pope clarifying the Vatican position. But, why haven't we heard from this Pope on taking care of the world's children who have already been born? Why haven't we heard Vatican announcements on what we can do for the children of Darfur, the Sudan, Southeast Asia and so on? Why has this Pope still not addressed the soul scarring effects of those children who were sexually abused by priests and why has he refused to meet with its survivors?
A few weeks ago, I preached on "Love" and talked about the Pope's new encyclical on love and charity. Although surprisingly affirming of sexual love, I wondered if it was setting the foundation for future statements against contraception, women's rights, and GLBT people. Yesterday, we learned the beginning of the answer.