Saturday, February 25, 2006

Welcome to my new blog at blogspot!

Welcome to my new blog! I began a blog on another hosting site and within the past week, I found that I had been forced to advertise online ordinations and anti-choice counseling services. So, I'm switching to blog spot, and they promise no advertising, unless I approve it in advance.

Several of my colleagues have asked me if there is enough to post on sexuality and religion in an almost daily blog. Let's see -- during the past week, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a case outlawing late term abortions and South Dakota passed a law outlawing most abortions. You may want to visit our web site and read our Open Letter on Abortion as a Moral Decision. The Department of Health and Human Services settled out of court to stop funding "The Silver Ring Thing", an overtly religious program that teaches young people that God wants them to be abstinent until marriage. An Ohio legislator, tongue surely in cheek, proposed a bill to ban Republicans from the right to adopt children, a response to those would keep gay people from having abortions.

And in my own life, I preached on love and sexuality this past Sunday at the Unitarian Church in Westport (I'll post the link to that sermon as soon as it's up), saw "TransAmerica", taught a class on sexuality and the Bible at my seminary class at the Yale Divinity School, and I recovered from jet lag from my visit to my daughter in Hanoi.

So, yes, I have plenty to write about -- and I hope you'll check in often!

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