Monday, March 27, 2006

Television Networks Reject UCC Ads Again -- Speak Out!

The United Church of Christ is one of the most forward thinking denominations on sexual justice, and they need your help TODAY.

You may remember that last year they produced these great tv ads welcoming all kinds of people to their faith communities and that all of the networks rejected it. Well, it has happened again. They released new ads today (that you can see at their web site) and ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, and the WB network have refused to run them. Now, to be clear, the UCC wants to pay for these ads; they are not public service announcements, and the networks won't take their money. They say they are too controversial, presumably because they offer welcome to gays and lesbians. Yet, these same networks think nothing of continuing to provide forums on their news shows to religious right leaders while ignoring progressive religious voices.

They have a new petition to the networks and they are seeking signatures. Do it now, while you are thinking about it. It took me less than a minute. Consider it your mitzvah for today.


Elizabeth said...

Yay for this blog! I was so excited to see it. I gave a sermon on "Indecent Theology" at the church where I am a UU student intern minister and it was a hit -- not, I think so much because it was a super good sermon, but because people were hungry to hear about sex talked about in church. I felt like there was a collective sigh of relief in the pews that sex was being talked about and could be talked about. We're even going to do an adult ed class on it next year. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and how glad I am that this blog is out there.

TheMalau said...

Hallelujah for your blog, Debra. I will go get myself on that petition, because I like the UCC ads, and agree with the message. Thanks for telling us.

Anonymous said...

I will do that!
