This past Sunday, I performed a wedding ceremony for a lovely 30-something couple at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. As we signed the marriage license and I pronounced them "husband and wife, wife and husband", I couldn't help but think how morally wrong it was that the same legal protections are not available to same sex couples. On Wednesday, a court in New York began considering a case to change the marriage laws.
But if the Republican leadership has its way, no state will be able to recognize marriages between same sex people. Next week, Senator Frist will bring SJ Res 1 to the floor for the vote. I've read that President Bush has agreed to do a press conference in the Rose Garden next week about his support of the Federal Marriage Amendment. If passed, it will write discrimination into the U.S. Constitution.
That's morally wrong. And there's still time for us to stop it. If you have not yet written your Senators to urge them to VOTE NO, I'm going to make it easy for you. The Action Center is all set up to help you send an email to your Senator. Click here, put in your zip code, and send a message to your Senators today.
Over the years, I have met with the staff of many Senators offices. What I've learned is that hearing from constituents matters. Know that those who are opposed to marriage equality are writing. Let them hear from YOU today. It only takes two minutes...I promise. Please CLICK HERE.
Stand up for love. Stand against discrimination. Let's make sure the Senate knows that people of faith support marriage equality.