Monday, May 29, 2006

Reunion Weekend

I spent part of Memorial Day Weekend at my 30th college reunion. It seems that the majority of my classmates went on to become doctors, lawyers, university professors, and journalists. There were two other ministers there, but I think it's fair to say I was the only sexologist.

People weren't surprised about that though. In many ways, my work in sexology grew out of my involvement in the women's health movement during my time on campus. Some one asked me if I was still causing trouble in the world -- well certainly some people would think so. One person asked me if I really know more about sexuality than most other people in the class know; I'm still trying to think of what the right response to that would be. (If you have a suggestion, please send it!) Several people talked to me about their own sexuality struggles, and others noted how many members of our class had died of AIDS early on in the epidemic.

It was good to see people and it was good to be seen. The 1970's were a very particular time on campus; for example, it was notable that only my reunion class and the one before it had never learned the school song. No longer the younger alums but not yet the older, this group of 50 year olds are by in large making a difference in the world. More importantly, they are warm, engaging, nice people who were making a difference in their family's lives.

Here's to the Wesleyan class of 76.

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