I don't usually blog on Sundays -- but today is the first year anniversary of my blog and I thought we should celebrate!
When I started this blog on sexuality and religion, I was asked after there would be enough to write about on these topics every day. That's never been a problem -- in fact, I am often faced with trying to decide among multiple topics each day. The news is a never ending source of blog entries -- as is our ongoing cultural confusion about sexuality and the persistent sense that our spirituality and our sexuality have little to do with each other.
I am grateful to report that more than 30,000 people have read this blog during the past year...and that about 3000 of you drop by on a pretty regular basis. If we were a church, it would be a mega-church!
I have been advised that the name for this blog "Sexuality and Religion: What's the Connection" is just too long -- and frankly doesn't sing. I'd love your ideas for a new name. We can even make it a contest...and let people vote later on. Leave a comment or email me at the Religious Institute.
Thank you to you for reading...thank you for helping spread the word...thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts with you. Blessings on this day.
Reverend Debra
Happy anniversary, Debra. I'm not certain that you or your organization would agree with everything I have to say about sexuality and relationships but I'm consistently impressed with the passion and consideration brings to matters of sex and faith.
You're doing good, important work.
Take care,
Happy Blogiversary!
Keep up the great work!
Congratulations! I've greatly enjoyed your blog!
Congratulations. I am a "uu" but not a UU. I like to think of myself as a uu trapped in a Baptist body.
The UU blog world has helped me immensely on my own pilgrimage and your blog is one of two that I read daily.
Keep up the good work
Happy Anniversary, Rev. Haffner. Thank you for welcoming a diverse group of readers, even when some of us drive you crazy. Your blog provides a great deal of food for thought and reflection to me.
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