As a Connecticut resident, I get to vote in the Super Tuesday primary. That's 5 days away.
And, I have to tell you I still haven't made up my mind.
But, I can tell you that I would be honored to vote for either of this candidates in the general election. And that I felt my eyes fill with tears as tonight's debate began. Yes, they are making history before our eyes.
But it's more than that. They are a concrete demonstration that change does happen...that America is a more just country than it was when I entered adulthood...and that those of us who have dedicated our lives to social justice have helped change America.
So here's your chance. Write me here or at the Religious Institute and make a case for your candidate. I don't plan on announcing who I vote for next Tuesday, but I'd love your input.
Neither one. I think so-called "religious" people should realize that using the term "religious" only polarizes our society more.
As no one else has bothered to comment, my assumption is that this blog isn't even read by more than a handful of ultra-liberal feminists who have made up their minds a long time ago concerning who they will vote for...
Read Salon today,
Obama's dealings with his hinky friend have never led him afoul of the law, but they show that, despite his high-minded politics, he was no purer -- or no savvier -- than Illinois' biggest hacks in his weakness for a generous contributor. He wouldn't even say no when Rezko cooked up a deal to help the newly elected senator buy a gracious Georgian-revival home.
Rezko, after all, built part of his fortune by exploiting the black community that Obama had served in the state Senate, and by milking government programs meant to benefit black-owned businesses. But Obama took Rezko's money even after the businessman was sued by the city of Chicago for failing to heat his low-income apartments, and even after Rezko was caught using a black business partner to obtain a minority set-aside for a fast-food franchise at O'Hare Airport.
Now Rezko is wearing an orange jumpsuit. And Obama may spend the rest of the presidential campaign wearing the jacket for his friendship with the fixer.
Vote for Obama if you must, but don't fog yourself about the real world.
We pride ourselves in Chicago knowing that what's trendy on each coast is totally worn by the time it reaches us so we can see right through it.
Right and Left have seen through Obama for some time now in Chicago.
Don't fook yourself.
I will support whoever wins the nomination in the end, but for now, I am leaning toward Obama. He has grassroots experience, appeals to a wider socio-economic audience, and would make a great international ambassador for the USA. Clinton is good, but she is a child of privilege, and is also (has anyone noticed?) married to a former president. This is just too much baggage.
It's a tough call. I think Bill Clinton's tough tactics have helped to define if Obama can handle to rough and tumble. He seemed to be weakened by it, I thought, but can he learn and come back. If he can, then he'll show he is a breath of fresh air with the 'right stuff.'
I like Hilary's experience, she can work the Capitol, and took the worst that both the neo-cons and Bill could publicly throw at her. She's proven herself, and no pushover. Hopefully she's not such a 'details' person as Bill, so she can get some major thrusts of change through.
Right now I would go with Hilary, but Obama may yet prove himself.
I'm standing solidly behind Obama, and I've put up a few posts to that effect in my own blog here- http://anothervoicemdf.livejournal.com/46275.html#cutid1
(By the way, I found my way here through Katey, who works with you, who recently helped me arrange a great training on her campus.)
But the summary is this. I don't trust Senator Clinton. I think her focus is on winning at all costs above any principle, and that she blew the most important vote of her career.
But more importantly- I don't think there is any way she can win. The hatred against her on the right, unfair and unjustified as it may be, is so strong that they will do anything to stop her campaign. I think there are a lot of conservatives who will stay home if, as looks likely, their party nominates McCain and that the only thing that would bring them out to support him is the chance to vote against Senator Clinton. To say nothing of all of those liberals who still have enough of a bad taste in their mouth from President Clinton's administration, that they might just stay home come November.
I've come to like Obama in his own right, and will be proud to vote for him. But for more then a year my one focus, politically, has been hoping Senator Clinton is defeated. I don't trust her. And I don't think she can possibly win.
The sad thing is the best candidate on these issues is no longer in the race.
Kuncinich was and is the best candidate for presidency, even if he's not a media sweetheart.
While I have no problem with a woman becoming president, I do have a problem with dynasties in American politics.
Hilary's "experience" in the whitehouse has been to serve on the board of Walmart during a time in which Walmart created DEVASTATING environmental degredation, sold poor quality products to the poorest of Americans, mistreated its employees, and drove out small business wherever it stamped its name. Hilary was directly involved with all of these. What kind of a democrat supports the big business of Walmart?
Additionally, what does it say about America that we will be dominated in teh whitehouse for nearly 20 years (TWENTY YEARS) by TWO families. (BUSH-CLINTON-BUSH-CLINTON) TWO VERY RICH FAMILIES.
Vote for Obama. He has worked in the grassroots. He has lived the American dream, epitomizing the melting pot that is America. He understands Americans, having worked HAND IN HAND with them. His campaign has been financed by people like you and me, not the big donations that Hilary has received from her inner political connections. Obama wants to change America and American politics, taking it out of special interest groups and giving it back to the people, to US. Listen to Hilary's ads. They are all about middle class American families. But what about the poor? The larges number of Americans are now below the poverty line. What about those poor that live right outside Yale's campus? What is HIlary really going to do to improve the lives of those children who feel so needy that they attack Yale Students for money for drugs, alcohol, and so forth?
I just don't see Hilary as THE BEST candidate for president. I don't see her bringing enough change to American politics and America in general. She may have over 35 years of experience, but that's 35 years of CORRUPTION. Her husband was personally responsible for some of the most racial divisions in our lifetime. Including passing a law that defined 3 or more black people on a street corner as a gang. Bill Clinton USED Native American contributions to his campaign promising to improve conditions on the reservations, but turned around and sold their land away to big businesses. Undoubtedly Hilary shares her husbands politics to some degree.
Obama just makes sense. His inexperience can HELP him make SMART decisions for America. He is not attached to private interest groups the way Hilary is already committed. There are no riders on Obama's tailcoat the way their is for Hilary.
He is the BEST candidate America has seen for president in nearly a century. I urge you, vote for Obama.
While I like the idea of a female candidate, I can't get excited about Hillary. I'd rather see a woman get elected whose husband wasn't president. Bill's recent activity in her campaign just makes me think less of her. I've already voted for Obama.
Thanks to all of you who wrote me here and off list. It's Monday, and I'm still not 100% sure who I am voting for! But, I'll decide by tomorrow. Right now, we have posters for both hanging in our home! And to the first anonymous, I have about 1000 readers most weeks, but perhaps you are the only person who is up at 5:15 am writing! ; )
Debra, I just don't understand how you and other feminists who have led us on sexual morality and justice could even consider voting for Hillary Clinton! There are many reasons why I am for Obama, but I am truly befuddled about why strong women -- you, of all women! -- can separate so easily the fact that she stayed married to, and thereby and by her inclusion of him in her campaign, seems to excuse a known sexual predator. I don't hate Bill Clinton nor do I think he was a terrible Presiednt, but he used his power and position to seduce women. NOTHING EXCUSES THAT! I could never allow that Clinton regime/lie to lead our nation. Am I the only woman who sees this?
Rev. Cynthia Cain
Lexington, KY
Rev. Cynthia, I understand your point, but as a feminist, can we really judge her by him? And I also received a persuasive email from Robin Morgan, which ended, "I am not voting for Hilary Clinton because she is a woman, but because I am."
Thanks to all of you who wrote. I've still got 12 hours to decide!
Hillary Clinton is a child of 'priviledge"....paaalease...what on earth does that mean....
She is hardly a person of priviledge..she comes from a poor working class family from Arkansas...one of the 'poorest' states in the nation..we live in a meritocracy my friend...most of us get to where we are through hard work, blood, sweat and tears...Hillary has earned her postion...she is NOT a Rockefeller or a Bush, or a Vanderbuilt or anyone of Royal Lineage with trust funds and money to spare...perhaps the term privaledge should be used more carefully....
Go HILLARY>>>>ignore your ditractors!!!
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