Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Speak Out for Sexuality Education in Schools

The Religious Institute is launching a national campaign to obtain thousands of clergy signatures on its Open Letter to Religious Leaders About Sex Education.

Congress will be considering the nation's first federal comprehensive sexuality education in the next few months. This spring, the Religious Institute will host a congressional briefing on religious support for these public school programs. For the first time in a decade, we have the opportunity to end funding for the ineffective federal abstinence-only-until-marriage programs and to have legislation passed for the first federal comprehensive sexuality education effort. You can help make this happen!

We are seeking clergy who will join the call for medically-accurate comprehensive sexuality education. If you are a member of the clergy, please send us an email at info@religiousinstitute.org and we'll send you the link to endorse the Open Letter. If you are a member of a faith community but not ordained and you think your clergy person would add their name, please send me their email as well.

We hope to have 1000 endorsers within the next two weeks. Please help us spread the word!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Debra, I have signed the letter, but I have also placed a copy of your note on my blog so other ministers can find it.

Thank you for taking the lead in this battle. For too long our young people have been left in the dark.