Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What's Playing on Your Tween's IPOD?

There's an interview with me today in the Newark Star Ledger:


It's about a new song by Katy Perry, called "I Kissed A Girl."

Now, I have to admit that I had never heard this song, but I found the lyrics somewhat alarming. Not because it described her kissing another girl, but because she explicitly states that she doesn't know the girl's name, and no concern for her or her feelings.

So, what's a parent to do? My regular readers know my answer: TEACHABLE MOMENT! Ask your tween or your teen if they have heard the song. Check out the lyrics together. Ask what he or she think the message of the song is. Finish this sentence: "In our family, we think:..." To read more about my advice to parents, check out my other web site: www.21stcenturyparent.com Tell me how you handle the lyrics in the songs your kids listen to (and try to remember that your parent probably didn't like, "I can't get no satisfaction" either.)

Speaking of teachable moments: I've got my tickets to see the "Sex in the City" movie on Friday. I'll let you know what I think on Saturday, and if it might be a good movie for young adult daughters and their moms to see together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, there was a song of that name that came out a decade ago! I looked up the lyrics (Jill Sobule) and compared them to the new lyrics (by Kate Perry); hmm. Seems awfully, suspiciously close.